VeriGrain Sampling Inc.
104-108 Research Drive
Saskatoon, SK, S7N 3R3
(639) 630-2550
Company Information:
VeriGrain’s business is the development, production, and sales of the VeriGrain automated Grain Sampling & Data Management product.
The company started in 2015 as Intelliconn Communication Solutions Inc., with an initial focus on wireless connectivity and remote monitoring and control for the agriculture sector. When the company introduced the VeriGrain product in 2020 the decision was made to focus completely on this product. The company name was changed, and the Connectivity & Control products divested from.
Primary Contact:
Blaine Canitz
(639) 630-2550 x102
Corporate Contact:
Ken Jackson
(639) 630-2550 x101
Organization Type: Private Sector
Organization Area: Other